Training with Simulations

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Training with Simulations

In this workshop, Ted Nee will share his more than twenty years of experience conducting incident simulation training. Through lecture, and demonstration Chief Nee will illustrate best practices for facilitating incident simulation training. Chief Nee will detail the process of deliberate practice, a training methodology that has proven to be the most effective way to rapidly develop non-technical skills such as decision-making and situation awareness. In addition he will cover various methods to deliver simulation training including, in the classroom, in a simulation lab, and remotely over a local area network or the internet.

Continuing Education Hours: 2

Instructor: Ted Nee


Ted Nee is a 37-year veteran of the fire and emergency services. He joined the Albuquerque Fire Department (AFD) in 1983. He retired from the AFD at the rank of Deputy Chief. After his service with the AFD Ted served as the lead command instructor and Command Training Center coordinator for the Emergency Response Organization at Sandia National Labs in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Ted is a Blue Card Command type IV and V Incident Commander and a Blue Card Command Instructor. He is a long time ISFSI member and an instructor for the “Principles of Modern Fire Attack” program. Ted is the co-author of the Fire Engineering DVD “Fire Dynamics” along with Dan Madrzykowski of the UL Firefighter Safety Institute and Lieutenant John Ceriello of the FDNY. Ted is the author of the quarterly online incident simulation for the Fire website. 

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